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                                         Edible/Medicinal Plants Fort Toulouse
DVD CoverJoin Darryl on the Coastal Plains of Alabama at historic Fort Toulouse.  Discover how the Indians and early pioneers used our Southern Plants both as food and as medicine. From Yaupon Holly to Usnea, learn how you can identify and used common plants on this instructional video.

DVD - $20


                                         Medicinal Plants of the South Volume 1

DVD CoverJoin Darryl as he discusses 30 common plants found over much of the United States east of the Mississippi. Learn how to use Crossvine for energy, Blackberry to stop diarrhea and Yellowroot as a natural antibiotic. Along with close up views of the plants, Darryl discusses their medicinal uses as well as when to use caution with a particular plant.

DVD - $20



                              Mountain Medicine Audio CD

Tommie CDTommie Bass was a special character in the herbal folklore of the South. Born the son of sharecroppers in 1908, he began gathering herbs in the hills and valleys of Lookout Mountain in 1915. Continuing for the next 81 years, Tommie became famous for his encyclopedic knowledge of medicinal plants. He also came to be known as a link to the distanct past of the rural South. This CD contains an hour long talk by Tommie as he discusses topics ranging from gathering herbs in the days of horse and buggy to trappers and moonshiners.


Bass Book
Mountain Medicine
The Herbal Remedies of Tommie Bass
by Darryl Patton

Tommie Bass was a pivotal figure in the changing landscape of American herbalism and an inspiration to a whole generation of younger herbalists. Tommie practiced what he preached, living a life true to his beliefs, creating an archetype whose influence transcended the Appalachian area of north Alabama where he lived. The time-tested techniques and pharmacopoeia of Appalachian folk medicine form a component of traditional Western folk medicine that embodies American self-reliance and creativity, which is still evolving today. This book presents, often in his own words, the living legacy that Tommie left us of plants and their healing powers.

“I always did believe that God never did make no mistakes. He never made anything He didn’t make a remedy for. The Lord’s put something out there if we would only get out there and hunt it.”
—Tommie Bass

Currently, this book is out of print with a few collectible copies still available.

     None Availble - Stay Tuned!



                         Tommie Bass' Original Salve

SalveFor 81 years, Tommie Bass cooked his old fashioned salve on a pot-bellied stove in the shadow of Lookout Mountain in the Appalachian Mountains. This salve has been passed down in the Bass family for over 150 years and has been used for treating everything from skin cancer to psoriasis. Now the best of the ''mountain medicines'' have been packaged as part of Clayton Natural's Appalachian Herbal Products. For external use only. Ingredients: White oak bark, Goldenseal, Chickweed, Red puccoon, Plantain, Yellow dock, Yellow root, Jamestown weed, Pokeroot, Caoutchouc, Mullein, Crowcorn, Boric acid, Camphor, Powdered alum, Tincture of iodine, Spirits of turpentine and Coconut oil in a base of Beeswax and Natural oils.    

Tommie Bass Original Salve  - 3oz.

 Salve Price - $10.00




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